Sunday 23 October 2016

Zambezi Sentinels

Spirits of the Valley
Oil on Canvas 
120cm x 80cm  

The heat is on in more ways than one in The Zambezi Valley, the temperatures are rising, it could get oppressive out there and draw the very life out of your lungs. As I write this - somewhere out there in this dry harsh environment , dedicated people are working around the clock ,volunteering to  go out there and safeguard the elephants and the wild in general.This week alone there have been a number of incidents where people have been working hard, facing danger trying to protect what we all should be protecting , and I thank them for their incredible dedication, and drive in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds .
Whilst we cant all be there , we can help ,we can be a part of this worthwhile effort supporting those at the rock face , those who know what is happening .Initiatives are out there to help with this ,operators have joined together and with Parks and wildlife in a new un precedented synergy, its time to listen -
"the drums are beating "

..... Perhaps we just subconsciously work on the basis that we are in fact timeless ?or the fact that things will exist like they are forever !Soon we will see that like the vast bulk of Africa ,our elephants will disappear in the onslaught of poaching that is taking place  
Life  is something we build each day at a time , like a painting , each brushstroke is an experience we live with  , these brush strokes are the wisdom we grow in !
Time is nothing but a measurement that we use  as a way of shortening our lives and putting limits to it –  we live by it – we plan by it – and we box everything up in to it – and yet in the face of Nature and its immeasurable majesty , we are humbled
As the temperatures of the valley take our breath away these old trees Like sentry’s , watch and monitor all life around them,watching us like the judges of our path from here   – quietly living each moment as it is .Their trunks anointed with markings and messages from generations of elephants , they are the notice boards in the thick Zambezi Valley Jesse .
There is an aura that exists even to us insensitive humans when in the shade of these great trees  – it has a healing ability to the mind – slowing the pace we exist at and above all giving us perspective !.

This painting has been modeled on three trees , some where deep in The Zambezi valley , hidden away in the jesse , they have been meeting place for the great grey Giants for centuries .Set in the hazy afternoon sun ,elephant dung- scattered around the trees  – creating an atmosphere of its own .The aroma of the dust and sweat creates an ambiance – so typically Africa!
These are the spirits of the valley  !
Will Maberly 

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