Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Now

The Now

Oil on Canvas
120 x 90 cm
A Picture depicting the Magnificence and the presence of right now !
There is nothing quite like the power of An African sunset to bring us to the present .The incredible colors and aura last for a few minutes , hence the concentration to the present .
We live so much of our lives out of the present –in a place we can never be . Yet Life is only now

Will Maberly 2013

Your Life is Now
Your Life situation is mind stuff
Your Life is real
Find the narrow gate that leads to life , it is called the Now
Narrow your life down to this moment ,Your life situation may be full of problems –most life situations are –But find out if you have any problem at the moment –Not tomorrow or in 10 minutes –But now – Do you have a problem now ?
Echart Tolle

The Wild

120CM X 90CM
Oil On Canvas

A painting inspired by many thoughts and visions over years of being in the presence of the Wild.  The coming together of a pictures sights, smells and sounds. There is almost a sense of relief after the first rain,  like the bushveld is at last breathing again.  The aftermath of the first rains on Africa’s hot dry rugged landscapes and the almost uncharacteristic tints of the skies.  The awesome, almost spiritual presence of Baobabs, some thousands of years old.  The sight of old Dagga boys under the palm trees, and the incredibly humble feeling that we feel in the presence of an angry Bull elephant.
Without exception we are all affected by The Wild, it is not only where we come from, but it’s where we belong.

Will Maberly 2012