Wednesday 5 October 2016



 I wrote this , and then wondered how to actually introduce it , I decided perhaps that for me the connection to nature that we as a family have ,and especially Eve was important ,her fascination with making things grow and going to all sorts of extraordinary lengths to do so –

 Today as we gather here in the late afternoon, perhaps its fitting its  that time of day ,the shadows are lengthening again , and soon the sun will slip from the sky beyond the horizon and in that moment  the colors will transfix us as always , bringing us to  the present .

Somewhere far away in the evening light a group of elephants wander toward a spring , their leader the Matriarch guides them on instinct, an instinct that has been passed from generations -Her very being is centered around her family group and has been for ever ,her trust in her instinct is absolute , there is no room for doubt

Each day she lives in the present and as she ventures to the spring ,the very source of all life and she guides and cajoles her children and grand children , teaching them , her wisdom clearly visible in her eyes.

For her there is no time as we know it , life is now , there is only night and day and perhaps she understands more than we do about the cycle of life and death .She knows that what she has passed on to her children will be all that matters so she does it unconditionally.

And today as I gaze across this beautiful and fitting setting I think of another Matriarch ,one that impacted so many lives ,Eve .
She was the one that led us to the spring , and taught us what we needed to be in life .The one that cautioned us and disciplined us .Her abundant wisdom was apparent in her beautiful eyes ,and she gave freely of it .
`She taught us the roads we should travel and gave us life in the best way possible unconditionally.

In your latter years ,your battles with agility were overcome with that indomitable  determination and spirit we loved so dearly  and your dignity and elegance shone through
Now I see you there Mum , in the grey , I see you through the haze among the Baobabs you loved so much ,
I see you at last walking freely where the elephants walk around those great trees .watching over the sunsets with Ted and Sim , watching over this one, watching over us .

The tapestry of your life and what you did will fit comfortably over our shoulders for generations to come , the patchwork of stories and amazing achievements will swirl around us like the breeze , and we will be inspired as we breath it in .And while we may at some point forget some of the words you said we will never forget the way you made us all feel .

One small smile and you were mine 
An irrational love that strengthened through time
Always there to hold my hand
Your steady presence , my world, my land

Through tears and triumph , you stood by my side
And when courage did leave me , you let me hide
Taught me to be brave ,  to stand up and fight
So that even if I lost - I'd still be alright

And as I grew older, I tried to make you proud
To be myself - to stand out from the Crowd
And when I messed up or felt alone or got lost
You were there every time no matter what the cost

You taught me to work , that you earn what you get
Yet you gave  it freely , both love and respect
You listen when I speak and respect what I say
This on itself - a debt too great to repay

You guided me through life - taught me to stand tall
It's from you that I learnt to get back up when I fall
You showed me the world both the bad and the good 
And I'll always be grateful that I got you 

Hamba Gashle Ambuya !   

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