Sunday 21 August 2016

Mana August 2016

Family Affair

Mana, a tough place where nature runs its course , a place where the realities of life hit home hard and perhaps also a place where we wonder where we actually sit in the food chain!There is a nostalgia here , that enhances your senses , and makes you alive and aware of the wild.

Today as we battle away in this little life we have, mostly caught up in a rut we lose connection with our source, we are irrevocably a part of nature, we live we die as do the animals, and yet somehow we feel horrified at natures sometimes gruesome realities.

Life is short, we are a species that has the ability to protect and reason and more of us need to do this, we  need to care about what we have been made the custodians of. As always when business effects anything, there is a constant bickering and finger pointing that follows, like some conspiracy theory there is always some hidden agenda.

Its time we stood together , who better qualified for this than people who are out there at the rock face,covered in the dust and the sweat of passion for the wild , the known ones and the unknown-the often unrecognized efforts of these people are legend but in fact in some cases are vilified by opinionated  "coffee shop guerillas."who know it all !

The heat is on , the dust is rising and pressure is on, come and walk where the animals walk , absorb the knowing that exists out here and revel in ambiance that is the Zambezi valley, listen to the wind blowing through the branches of the Baobabs , and above all listen to your self, because you have the power going forward to support the initiatives of those on the ground

Will Maberly 2016

 Calm and tranquility , a quiet moment

Playful young ones 

Play time 

 Mana Energy

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