Sunday 7 December 2014

Mucheni Pan

Mucheni Pan 
200x 100cm 
Oil on Canvas 

Somewhere , not far from the turning to Mucheni Camp in Mana Pools is this small pan . Mucheni seems to be a favourite route for Elephants crossing from inland down to drink and swim in the waters of the great Zambezi River .Typical of many of these small pans in the Valley , the level of water recedes to almost nothing as the season dries out . Surrounded by Albida trees and Kigalia Africana - the scene epitomises the tranquility of the Valley that we love so much .
These small pans are the life blood for many species of animals and birds , they provide water and food in one form or another for many .Like so many things in life the pan's existence is a cycle , and some years there  is very little water depending on rainfall -other - there is water all year .Similarly our own lives can seem to be full or sometimes low - we like the animals have to trust in the cycle of things - sometimes its hard for us humans who believe we can engineer and manipulate it all to our own advantage 
Sitting here quietly watching that special Mana scene ,one is filled with a sense of belonging , a tranquility , a sensation of purity  - the aroma , the dust , the heat create an energy that is invigorating from deep within 

Will Maberly 

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