Wednesday 26 November 2014

"The Crossing"

"The Crossing"
Oil on Canvas
200 x100 

The evening lights turn to an Orange as these Elephants start their trek across the Zambezi river , maybe to the Far off Zambian escarpment – or perhaps just to the greener feeding areas on the islands and spurs that jut into the river .
This has been going on for centuries , a sight that never fails to"thrill "- as these great monarchs swim effortlessly into this mighty river - undaunted by the distant bush fire ,they move as they have done for centuries freely from one feeding area to the next .
In their world , there is no nationality , no policy , just life , and their trust in their instinct .To them perhaps life is in the moment , and as we sit here debating on  how intelligent they are , maybe we should in fact contemplate our own so called intelligence – as we single mindedly destroy all in our way in the name of “progress “
The Crossing , the name often used in reference to movement of the soul from life as we know it to the spiritual world –to Me Elephants are Old Souls , the older ones are noticeably wise and have a presence even with us insensitive humans  –perhaps its time to take in the moment , time to sit quietly and admit that maybe we are not the ultimate intelligent being !

Will Maberly 2014

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