Wednesday 1 October 2014

Images 2014

 A Family affair 
 Zambezi Valley , how long from now are we going to be able to see this?

 Zambezi Valley , a name that is associated with legends amd myth , stories that have swirled like smoke through generations ,settling on the shoulders of those who have stopped and contemplated 

A Gull flying up the river 

The Baobab overlooking the Nkupe road 

 Getting a whiff of me , they knew I was close - but couldnt quite work it out 
He stands - amazing power and balance 

 Granny and grand daughter, Mana , August 2014 -91 years old and going strong , though her wheel chairs kept getting stolen by her grand children 

 Caught Napping 
 Natal Mahogany 
 Fun in The Mud !

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