August and September are always thoughtful months for me, too many life changing events have occurred over the years in these months, some good and some bad. A recent trip to one of the most splendid parts of Africa, as always, was very moving and touched me deeply. For many years I have been able to follow my heart and be, on many occasions, at one with the wild - a place I cherish deeply for its purity.
To convey completely the ambiance and 'feeling' of being here and witnessing this, is a task I don't believe is easy but it is truly soulful!
To convey completely the ambiance and 'feeling' of being here and witnessing this, is a task I don't believe is easy but it is truly soulful!
Out here water is life! Through generations of animals they have known that there is water in these pans and they plan their lives by it - water is everything in these dry kalahari sands and as the seasons dry out, the waterholes become an ongoing playground for predators and their prey - like some scene from a movie - peace can be shattered in seconds, only to return to peace in seconds.
This is reality!
There was a somber mood around the pan and whilst there was the normal jostling and cavorting amongst the younger elephants in the water, some of the elders were clearly uneasy. One cow was deeply disturbed at our presence, she walked close to us emitting low warning growls, probably as she was troubled by the tense feeling around the area.
This is reality!
There was a somber mood around the pan and whilst there was the normal jostling and cavorting amongst the younger elephants in the water, some of the elders were clearly uneasy. One cow was deeply disturbed at our presence, she walked close to us emitting low warning growls, probably as she was troubled by the tense feeling around the area.
She continuously paced metres from us, expressing her concern and showing us how tense she was at our presence.
There was a growing group at the back of the pan and they
all stood in silence with their heads down, seemingly paying their respects as they gathered quietly near the body of the young bull that died the day before.
The constant procession of groups of elephants emerging from the tree line, coming to the
water is, as always, spiritual but this time it was different - as many
came in, they stood quietly halfway down with their trunks raised to the
breeze, as though in silent salute to a fallen comrade. Like a church congregation, they gathered quietly with their heads bowed as if in some kind of prayer, some gathered around the body and the occasional one stood over it. There was clearly anguish at what had happened - the moment was deep and penetrating.
Then gently they drifted off in various
groups into the lengthening shadows.

There is an ambiance that exists around these water holes - the
combination of heat, dung and the clay blends together like some exotic
blend - only recognisable by those who know it as 'home'. It’s a blend of 'reality' something that provokes deep thought in us and, as always, these places awake an inner
peace. Somehow there is perhaps a sense of recognition here hidden all the way deep inside of us that somewhat reluctantly identifies with this reality.
For too many of us, life has become an incessant rush, often at the expense of others and even ourselves, just to keep up. The never-ending need for more has really affected us and it is seldom that we get 'time
out' for ourselves to seriously ponder the depth of it all. Is it only when someone we love passes away that we look inward?
Witnessing this, as always, makes me think of our Sim - what a father figure to his children and mine, what a husband, brother and friend - your energy is powerful but especially here.
Witnessing this, as always, makes me think of our Sim - what a father figure to his children and mine, what a husband, brother and friend - your energy is powerful but especially here.
Another year has rolled by Sim - August is gone and we have penetrated deep into
September, not that any of that means much in reality, time is as always an
The morning chill is tangible, a freshness that injects me with energy or perhaps it is just that feeling - the wonderful sensation of truly being
in reality, of coming alive in a special place, what an honour!
A sensation that is truly hard to put into words!
The night has been eventful, the rumbles of elephant and
the call of lion amongst others - what will the day bring? Knowing, as we do, that out here its just today - as it's
all we can be sure of right now!
The coals from the night before add to the ambiance as I sit here listening to the calls of the birds and the excitement of the new day's dawn, the sun is still below the horizon and the blend of noise and light sends me into deep thought.
It has been time it seems, my friend, since you and I parted
company, when you left this worldly form and yet the memories are graphic and
sharp. The flame in the mopane logs dance joyfully, taking me back to the many times we sat around a fire just like this, laughing, arguing and even planning things with that sense of deep contentment with each other within our souls.
The sensations of being here in this early morning light reminds me of that incredible feeling of camaraderie we shared and wanted so deeply for our children before they were even born.
Perhaps the time we spend with those we love never leaves, but deep in my conscious I hear your laugh as I think of the time we shared. The marvels of nature allow me to see you in your children everyday and it is a great honour to be able to have run this journey with them all. As we always wanted, they are close like we were, it is truly wonderful to watch.
The sensations of being here in this early morning light reminds me of that incredible feeling of camaraderie we shared and wanted so deeply for our children before they were even born.
Perhaps the time we spend with those we love never leaves, but deep in my conscious I hear your laugh as I think of the time we shared. The marvels of nature allow me to see you in your children everyday and it is a great honour to be able to have run this journey with them all. As we always wanted, they are close like we were, it is truly wonderful to watch.
As the hornbills start their almost hesitant 'poks' in the cool air and the
doves herald the imminent rising of the sun - I remember the purity of our
friendship and the eternal attachment that will exist between us and I revel in the love that exists between our
families forever.
As we know out here the silence is pure and friendly, life is about the moment and nothing more. As I sit and watch I reflect on the journey we have taken,
somehow, I feel you have been there all along - your presence being felt in so
many ways. To us you are a legend Sim, we are the lucky ones who shared time with you and as we sit here and remember, we smile at the privilege it has been.
For me and I am sure others, it's here that I feel you the most,
being in the present in this timeless and humbling and spiritual environment.
I see you in my mind somewhere out there in the dust and haze walking the 'gwasha's' with the 'Ambuya', watching over us all - laughing at the crazy shit we do and shaking your head at how so very unimportant most of it is! We may have forgotten some of things you said but we have never forgotten the way you made us feel!
Now that ears of my ears are awake and the eyes of my eyes are open
(E.E Cumming )
Hamba Gashle !
Will 2018
Zambezi River July 2018