Sunday, 6 March 2016

The legacy of a Lion

So what happens next ?the furor over Cecil has died down , the infinite wisdom of some continues however.... People who know so little about what is happening on the ground ,have in many respects condemned more lions !! The pressure being brought to bear on Hunting is definitely going to effect  Management of wildlife resources in poorer countries !. 
We are simply not winning in the war against poaching , its not happening despite the intense efforts made by many , a lot f them hunters  - we are fighting a losing battle .
I  recently wrote a letter to my nephews  , speaking of the incredible privilege they have had  growing up in the wild s of Africa , but I fear their children will not have this- this deep sense of belonging - because much of what is here now will not be here very shortly - its being decimated as we speak 

Perhaps its time for us to consider our own intelligence ,for whilst "Rome burns " we ( yes us the" so called intelligent species ")  sit and argue about the right ways to handle this - its disgusting !We all know the best way to really understand something is to gain an intricate knowledge of what it is - i.e be there talk to the people that are there daily , and yet the world seems to bow down to "coffee shop guerrillas ".
I dont see enough criticism of the poaching of elephants -  you only have to look at the Rhino and see where this is going - perhaps that doesnt sell media?

Will Maberly 2016