Walking into the void ?
I guess there is a time in everyone’s life that triggers that
sensation , where you suddenly realize that “life is short “-a realization that
time doesn’t actually exist –-we just
don’t have time … ! – life is fragile at best –Its easy to lose sight of
this in the world of today , but we cant afford to – we don’t have to make the
same errors as others have before us – we don’t have to just follow in the wake
of others – deep inside we will always know – our intuition will always tell us
They say that you only really discover wealth , when you realise how little you truly need !
there are too many of us who have lost our way , we lose ourselves daily - because we dont want to be "alone "in the crowd - its easier that way .
The drums of our land
our beating , listen to them……….”
greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its
animals are treated.”
― Mahatma Gandhi