Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Now

The Now

Oil on Canvas
120 x 90 cm
A Picture depicting the Magnificence and the presence of right now !
There is nothing quite like the power of An African sunset to bring us to the present .The incredible colors and aura last for a few minutes , hence the concentration to the present .
We live so much of our lives out of the present –in a place we can never be . Yet Life is only now

Will Maberly 2013

Your Life is Now
Your Life situation is mind stuff
Your Life is real
Find the narrow gate that leads to life , it is called the Now
Narrow your life down to this moment ,Your life situation may be full of problems –most life situations are –But find out if you have any problem at the moment –Not tomorrow or in 10 minutes –But now – Do you have a problem now ?
Echart Tolle

The Wild

120CM X 90CM
Oil On Canvas

A painting inspired by many thoughts and visions over years of being in the presence of the Wild.  The coming together of a pictures sights, smells and sounds. There is almost a sense of relief after the first rain,  like the bushveld is at last breathing again.  The aftermath of the first rains on Africa’s hot dry rugged landscapes and the almost uncharacteristic tints of the skies.  The awesome, almost spiritual presence of Baobabs, some thousands of years old.  The sight of old Dagga boys under the palm trees, and the incredibly humble feeling that we feel in the presence of an angry Bull elephant.
Without exception we are all affected by The Wild, it is not only where we come from, but it’s where we belong.

Will Maberly 2012

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

August 2013

August 2013

As the sunsets on another August , lets pause for a moment, and take it  in – another winter gone –  heralding the start of new life in the wild from here on the rains will fall soon , nature will again regenerate !.
August is my favorite part of the year, as an artist, the light at this time of the year  is indescribably beautiful – If we look through our eyes and not just “with“  them – you will find  magnificent colors in what appears to be a grey and dry appearance.  Nature  comes alive for me now –there is a haunting beauty to it all and an ambiance that is so typically Africa ! .
There is a special feeling to it  - a powerful energy to this seemingly harsh environment, that has enticed us and those like us for centuries -we have  chosen to be here. In The Zambezi Valley now the Mopane has changed to that rusty brown color, and there is an aroma, a distinctive blend that swirls around and  through us like an invisible energy  – making us feel we are truly home!

As I sit here in my studio – I am fascinated at how similar life is to a painting
In a painting, we form an end result in our mind, we may even sketch it – but how we get there with the brushstrokes, the blends of colour, the textures – the directions of the strokes are what forms our ultimate painting!  In fact just a bunch of black lines on paper aligned in various ways, actually ultimately can turn out to be a beautiful image.
So to – does everything we do in life, the way behave, what we say, the way we make people feel  - like the blends of colour, and strokes of different sizes of brush –  we become what we are! We are perhaps the artist of our own lives!

August is a time of many momentous occasions in my life and the lives of some of those who surround me. Aside from the fact that my daughter’s birth is in this month, and mine for that matter, as well as my wedding anniversary - it is also the part of the season that reminds me of a very special person in my life.
Eight years ago this time,  my brother left us on the next journey that we all take – in the greater order of things it was the way it was meant to be – although perhaps at the time we didn’t understand that –
Sim played such an incredible role in so many peoples lives and he shines through us all still today, but especially through his children.  A man of the moment, a man deeply connected to nature –  his time that he shared with us was adventurous and wild. As most of the actual memories will fade for some of us, the love for one another that we shared strengthens – the effect he had on mine and many other lives, makes us glow inside and smile knowingly, and whilst we may have forgotten some of the things he said, we will never forget the way he made us feel!
“Sim - your painting is a work of art  –  and we will cherish it forever!”

For so much of this gift we have called life, we live in the future, on an eternal search for something that is not here – lets remind ourselves that life is here, it is now – and how we conduct ourselves right now is what counts

“All my life I have been knocking on the door, only to find that when it opened – I was on the inside!”-Rumi

Perhaps if we can learn from all of this we should learn - Money cannot buy you what’s important in life - that we are here right now, be in this moment, love with passion, and most of all remember, that we are constantly painting our picture, so do it with love as love is our wealth – and above all do it with joy!
Love is a promise that is always kept, a fortune that can never be spent, a seed that can flourish in even the most unlikely of places.  It is this radiance that never fades a mysterious and magical joy. It is the greatest treasure of all – one known only by those who love.

Will Maberly  August 2013

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Zambezi Ladies 
Oil On Canvas 
120cm x 90cm 

A picture inspired by many years in the presence of elephants.
There is something about being on the Zambezi flood plain that affects many – looking across, towards the Zambian escarpment, with low light on the hills in the distance.
I sketched most of this picture on location, the ever present groups of elephant cows and calves moving to and from the great Zambezi River to water.
In the drier months, far away from the river ,long journeys are made to small resilient pans. The sight of these great mothers and their over eager calves rushing with great expectancy into the pans is spell binding. Their social manner is incredible to watch.

Will Maberly 2012


"Siblings "
Oil On Canvas 

Trees have fascinated me for ever , One of my favorite African trees is the  Camel thorn , They have the most incredible character , growing in the most incredible shapes and patterns .Historically they have been a real part of Africa , the wood being used for many applications by man –including wagon wheel bearings! They are one of the highlights of any visit to the areas they inhabit in Hwange , and other wild areas .
This particular tree is behind Ngweshla Camp in Hwange National Park , a place I have spent many hours  relishing in the privilege of life ! The pattern of growth of this tree has always reminded me of two very close brothers  , who look the same and do the same things -inseparable in life  and death ! –“ Attached at the hip” as they say

Will Maberly 2011

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Warrior !

Amajongosi !

Young Bull - young warrior , head up , ears out and full off testosterone .Power in its most natural form
Along the banks of the Zambezi , wild  and free - as we drifted past , we surprised him .
His reaction was magnificent  as he indicated  that we were in his space !

“The Elephant often charges to the accompaniment of a blast of high pitched trumpeting – caused by forcibly expelling air from its trunk – which sounds like an orchestra of outraged demons - Except perhaps for the prospect of an imminent hanging, there can be few situations that concentrate the mind more wonderfully “Neil Murray 

Will Maberly 2013 

Friday, 26 July 2013

Evening light , Zambezi waters sparkle in the background , there is a sense of Peace to this - I bet you didnt think the hairs on his trunk would be that long !!


Kuterera !
OIl on canvas  
120 x 90 cm
Something is happening !

As the sun sighs fatigue over the Zambezi valley, the light strokes the trees with soft warm glows that is so characteristic of Africa  .
This Pan like so many others in The Great  Zambezi valley has become the meeting place for many – the edges scattered with elephant dung and  great foot prints in the mud , that sometimes last for years after they have dried – like signatures on a board - these are the  signs of those who have  been there before .
There is an inescapable peace that comes over us a feeling of calm   when in a place  like this , its life -its real – its peaceful and yet there is always something about to happen ,-always that apprehension ,that excitement of what we may see , what may happen ! 
Imagine yourself sitting there in the quiet evening light , in the typical warmth of the sun ,quietly observing the comings and goings  , where the scents of damp Mopane soil , dung and the vegetation mingle with the sounds of Africa ,creating an ambiance  that remains with you forever !

Will Maberly 2012

Monday, 22 July 2013

Framed !

Zambezi Valley 2013 
You will only really feel the deep richness that is our natural wealth once you have walked in the places that the animals walk,
 Once you have opened your eyes to that beauty and simplicity that is life all around you ,your life changes forever , as you now know what wealth and life truly is .

Some pics from the recent trip into the Zambezi Valley area 
Early morning refreshments 

Ambuya - the matriarch  - a purposeful stride , watching me out of the corner of her eye 
 A visitor to the camp  - waiting quietly for the darkness to fall 

 Its in Here somewhere I promise - you have a look!! 
 Gentle giant 
 Grooming !
 Synergies and sharing 
 Very Close 
The colours of Africa - the Zambezi River , Sunrise 

 A Peaceful Face 

Sunday, 21 July 2013

A Cold Shower

A Cold shower?

Just been up in the Zambezi Valley ….again !–what a wonder  it is to be free like that – a freedom that most people perhaps will never feel – free to be with nature – in the elements – no walls and fancy fences – just fresh air , the light and that ambiance .
In that peace there is one strong thought that comes through  – we think we know it all – but in fact we know very little and its time to act
A cold shower in winter always wakes you up ! , this trip was like that for me – a cold shower in my life – I have had them before – but this one really woke me up
Life is rushing by and so are we – we are destroying it all , leaving a bare landscape behind us- like a steam train we roll through  and yet surely  the real purpose of this so called intelligence we have is to safeguard the wild , protect it and learn from it ? Its is where we come from  - Imagine for one minute the consequences of ecological collapse !
Somehow it just seems we are not listening  – on any level – but especially on an energy level – things have changed –we have become deafened to the beat of the drum !!!
Spare a Moment  – Take a look inside and start to ask yourself what is right – lets stop kidding ourselves about the bog standard vanilla answers – that only relate to money -Soon there will be nothing left –soon we will have given it all away , destroyed it , used it  and then we really will be in  trouble , because we are in fact using up the core of our existence .
Stop and listen – listen to what the drums are telling us , this pace is no longer sustainable !!

A view of the Umi River 
On top of the Gomos , before the descent to the Camp

The Lake - as the sibilobilo river flows in -Nyamapanda island 

The Camp Fire , the smell of Mopane burning , and the sounds of Africa 
Some of the recent sites on a journey I took through to Sibilobilo in Kariba 

Thursday, 13 June 2013


"Ngweshla "
Ingwe  eshla

"Yes and how many times can a man turn his head  Pretending that he just doesn't see ?"
"Yes and how many times must a man look up , before he can really see the sky "
Bob Dylan

Sometimes – you just have to be there to see it - , the intense oranges of an African sunset as the last light caresses the trees and the shadows begin to relax into the dusk, it seems like the everything breathes again after  gasping in the sweltering October midday heat.

Its business as usual on the pan , groups of Elephant coming and going in a seemingly organized and yet completely disorganized fashion –  approaching the water sometimes quietly , and sometimes at a run as the scent of water becomes irresistible-   and then leaving so that others may drink.
Pans like this one have provided refreshment for countless generations of elephants and wildlife over the years. They beckon as a meeting place  -and there is a sensation , an intoxicating blend of elephant dung , mud and “Africa” ,that infiltrates your sense ,combined with an  intense feeling of freedom –and wonder as we  watch this incredible interaction – a feeling of “Now “. And then there is the noise , oh the noise is incredible day and night  –as the groups of elephant meet , greet and gather .
Whilst this is reality to me and some of you in that we have been there and witnessed this , to many now and to the generations beyond us it is and will be legend and fantasy , they are  and will be stories and tales that are in their imaginations spinning like dried leaves on a breeze they settle in the minds of only those who are aware   ,some of whom will never witness such a spectacle – whilst we – we have the incredible privilege of being there , of watching and trying to understand , where we come from , because this the earth , she is our Mother , and where we come from !
I believe strongly , that as a species we have a duty to preserve , and protect this , and most of all learn from it Through awareness -we have the power to assist and nurture this – so that the generations from now ,they too can also learn , how its supposed to be .
This Painting is 2.5 m wide , and tells the story of Ngweshla Pan , a meeting place of Elephants and many other species .Painted with Oil on canvas , it captures that almost unbelievable show that takes place daily on this pan and many others like it in the  pristine wildlife areas of Zimbabwe .

Will Maberly 2013

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Winter is here 

Its cold here at the moment - the early morning  are chilly   before the sun is up even here in Zim  - I was sitting on my Land cruiser watching  this guy - and he was really feeling it  - sitting on the extremity of this branch hugging himself  to keep the chill out !Waiting for the rays to catch him 

 I sat there watching him ,chuckling at how similar things were for both of us !! 

Wednesday, 15 May 2013



Chapters of my life have been spent among these great trees, humbly honoring them , quietly listening to their sighs, breathing in the energy they exude. They are my Africa. They symbolize a spiritual place, harsh but breathtaking. These great trees make me acknowledge our own majesty and simultaneously our own impermanence. I am humbled by their seemingly ageless presence and am intrigued by the endless myths that have been passed down around campfires for centuries. The ambiance of these great beings has a spiritual energy and some myths say the souls of our loved ones rest amongst their branches, lovingly watching over us  -so close- a very thin veil.
 Nearly every Baobab I have seen in the wild has evidence of Elephants around it , dung , spoor, bark stripped from the tree and carvings from gouging tusks in the trunk, like graffiti on a notice board. The symbiotic relationship between these two great creatures is a spiritual one, pure and real .
There are few people not captivated by the sheer magnificence of these trees and the aura that surrounds them. They, and the elephants that stand under them, are the quintessential sights of Africa.
So imagine yourself there, and sit quietly. listen to the quiet whisperings of your soul. Feel the energy as it filters through you, and let it bring you to a place where the seemingly impossible becomes possible.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A Rebellious Child ?


Was on a long tough drive yesterday , I do a lot of thinking when I drive as I guess most of us do , Its May , the vegetation is magnificent , the leaves and the pods are on the trees – its also the start of that special time in the year when we start to see that haze in the sky – which creates a different light on things – a different perspective perhaps .
How does it all work ? , really I mean – where do we as humans  fit in now ?- I look at that incredible symbiosis that Is nature and the way it all fits together , and wonder what our purpose is?

I mean if you truly “undressed” us , and slotted us back in to nature , where would we fit? , -when we lived in caves – what was our purpose , everything has a purpose in nature !, but what was ours - ?what symbiotic role did we play ?
All species are interlinked – where did we slot in?
Today  , with our insatiable need for wealth , we cant see that we are even a part of nature as we were , we have stepped out – well that’s what we believe any way !- and yet Birth and death –the two most important times of our lives are so natural – ,we are  no matter what we would like to believe – a part of nature !
Everything has a purpose – what was/is ours ?In wild life – its all about now – and instinct -something else we have completely lost touch with. Perhaps in fact if we step back and look at all of this , we will see that maybe the humans species could be termed the rebellious child, the one that knows better , whilst all other species – our siblings – work within the grander scheme – and even where we have destroyed – they eventually cover for us – in the hope that one day we will come back on track ?

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Evening Sojourn

A Captivating sight ,a reflection of life .As these dagga boys go to water and the purples and pinks spray across the vast Africansky , Ones mind is focussed instantly on this moment , on how the harsh landscape and the dead tress blend wiith the super strength and attitude of these Buffalo – all blended into a beautiful sky .Our lives are built through our experiences , one ata time , like each of the  foot prints around this pan tells a story ,  so to does each breath we take
Life is now ,not in 10 minutes ,right now, this is the only garantuee we have 

The Gwasha ( path )

I found this near  the Chewore River - its the end of a branch that was overhanging a path , at about chest  height . The branch itself - was part of a combretun jesse thicket , next to the path , a path obviously frequented for generations by Buffalo , Elephant , and maybe even Rhino.
It is incredible how the tip of this branch has been worn down over the years , just from rubbing against the hide of these animals as they walked to and from the spring 100m away . 

It was only when I started painting I really started to "see "Most of our lives we just accept things as they are , we look , but we dont really see !.
Its only in the wild where I  can truly hear , hear the silence , and the reality , perhaps we are scared of silence - we seem to be ! TVs , phones , music seem to rule our lives , but in the silence we really hear , we hear our inner selves , our truth , our instinct
This Photo was taken at Chikwenya recently, a very special place- actually taken looking west from near a very special Albida  tree , know to some as Fin's tree . 
The Water Dikkop (BurhinusVermiculatus )were starting to call , that bright yet mournful sound so synonymous with the river  Sitting there was magnificent , as the last lights of the sinking sun lowered below the mountains ,in Zambia

Monday, 6 May 2013

Belly Scratcher 
This is fascinating to me , it is the root of the jackal berry ( Diospyros  Mespiliformis ) - that has grown out of a  bank along the Sapi river , Zambezi Valley  -its  in a convenient place for elephants to use as a belly scratcher  . From the many years of rubbing against the hide of these animals the bark has been completely worn off and the beautiful grain of the wood can be clearly seen .To the fingers the wood is smooth , like some piece of work a carpenter has worked on for many hours -.but there is more ....Imagine if Trees could talk to us , tell us what they have seen ? 
Fascinating ..........

" Pa dare "

“Pa dare”

I have called this painting “Pa dare” (pronounced Pa dari) - this literally translates from Shona as

The Place of meeting

however, used in context, it means

The Place of Meeting for Respectful Gentleman

The reason for this name is clear as the picture is centered on the Muuyu –  as seen from the East–directly opposite over the river on the Chewore north side.

The tree is our meeting place, where we meet annually with “our brother”.  The meeting is not a noisy affair – it is quiet and respectful, where we remember and, as we watch the movie that is our minds, we see life for what it is - beautiful and unpredictable.
The Elephant beside the tree is leaving to join others who are feeding close by that have left the shade of this great tree  - just as we do when we leave this life to join others that have left before us.
There are few things that depict Africa as well as the Baobab! They have an aura around them that is almost inexplicable. Great scars that adorn their massive trunks like medals won in some far off campaign - create the character that we feel – when we stare up their majestic presence!
They are quintessential to Africa, and it is fitting that one of them is our meeting place!

Below the sun sets on another meeting place – a pan, like so many of those magnificent sites that we have had the pleasure of visiting – it symbolizes the peace and synergies of nature in an otherwise seemingly harsh environment.

Symbolically the elephant and the baboon represent two things – firstly our trek into the meeting place (I am the elephant by the way!) and secondly they have been the subject of many hours of thought and discussions around the many camp fires that we have shared in the Zambezi Valley
The wild dog  the hunters – predators –  us perhaps? – also looking into “Pa dare“, because as we well know – we also meet there!

As we have so often said– Life is short – live it, feast on it, smell the roses!

Will Maberly 2012